Notice Is Hereby Given That Information Relating To Your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case Will Be Made Available On the Internet to Your Creditors and Other Parties in Interest

Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. ยง1302(b)(1) and 704(7), your Chapter 13 Trustee has a duty, unless otherwise ordered by the Bankruptcy Court, to furnish information concerning the administration of your bankruptcy case as is requested by parties in interest.

Accordingly, the Chapter 13 Trustee will make the following information available to parties in interest who request such information:

1.) Your name, address, bankruptcy case number, state and district in which your case is pending, and the Trustee assigned to your case. Your social security number will not be visible to parties in interest, but they will be able to search for your bankruptcy case using your social security number. Furthermore, your employer's name will not be displayed.

2.) Information regarding claims filed against your bankruptcy case including the identity of the claimant, the type of claim (e.g. priority taxes, secured, unsecured, etc.), and the amount of the claim.

3.) A history of all payments you make to the Chapter 13 Trustee in your bankruptcy case including the date and amount of each payment.

4.) A history of all disbursements made by the Chapter 13 Trustee in your bankruptcy case including the date of the disbursement, the payee, and the amount.

You may review, without charge, the information about your Chapter 13 bankruptcy case that is posted on the Internet. If you believe the information about your bankruptcy case is inaccurate, you can contact the National Data Center (NDC) to report the error. You should receive a written response from the NDC within thirty (30) days following receipt of such report.

The URL address where your information is posted is which is operated by the NDC.

You can access your data by visiting the above website. You will be required to provide some information to obtain a username and password. Note: Until your creditors are input into the computer and information is sent to the NDC, you will not be able to access the site.

Lilian G. Tsang

Chapter 13 Trustee
Eastern District of California
Phone: (209) 576-1954
Fax: (209) 576-7984

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday
9:00 am to Noon
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

*We are closed for all federal holidays.

Correspondence Address:

Lilian G. Tsang, Chapter 13 Trustee
P.O. Box 3051
Modesto, CA 95353-3051

Payment Address:

Lilian G. Tsang, Chapter 13 Trustee
P.O. Box 104
Memphis, TN 38101-0104

NOTICE: This web site is provided with the understanding that the Chapter 13 Trustee Office is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought.